For anyone who knows my Father, you know he has the gift of the gab, which is defined as the ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you. He is quite the entertainer! This blog is being started to record his memories of family and friends through the MANY, MANY photos he has taken throughout the years. Beginning with black and white slides, to coloured slides, to printed photos, and finally to the digital age. I'd like to be able to keep this in chronological order, but with as many photos as there are, and as they are in such a hodgepodge state, it makes it rather difficult. This will be written as though he's writing it, because he really will be! I'm just moving it over here so it will actually get posted and not "lost" out there. So here we go!

Thursday, 13 July 2023

Great Grandfather in Germany

On Mom's side of the family - 
Hereunder, pictures of your great grandfather, August Ferdinand Julius Neth who died in France
during World War I on 21st March, 1918 at Lanicourt between Arras and Cambrai. Important for you
to be aware of your family tree.
Uncle Uli spent one summer in France hunting for his grandfather's grave as nobody knew where it was.  As
you can see from the second picture, he found it and was able to take pictures back to his mother, who
was nine years old when her father was killed. 

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